
Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014

0.2.1 is out!

After making some good progress, I decided to release 0.2.1 early. The biggest change in this update is that the game now runs at 100 physics time steps (or "ticks") per second, which gives the player higher control and better strafing. I also fixed some minor bugs, added a framerate row to the debug window, and demos can now be saved on all platforms. All other changes mentioned in the older blog post will be added in 0.2.2.
Get the game at

Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014

Plans for 0.2.1

Here is my plan for the next few weeks:

  • Additions/Changes
    • Walking around feels sloppy and uncontrollable, friction has to be adjusted
    • A way to toggle jump on/off so you don't have to hold space all the time
    • Refunction R and F1 keys: R will do a "soft reset" that spawns at the last checkpoint and doesn't restart your run, while F1 will put you back to the start with a new run
    • A visible finish line (or box)
    • A better display of speed that's part of the default UI
    • A way to manage your saved demos
  • Bugfixes
    • Crouching is horribly implemented right now, I'll have to rewrite it in order to fix several bugs with clipping
    • The console (F2) is in a very bad state right now
    • Multiplayer gives (hidden) error messages and barely works
    • Playback of demos doesn't work atm
    • Your own ghost is visible in multiplayer and might obstruct your view

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2014

New Version!

Velocity 0.2.0 is out! Go download it here. I fixed a lot of bugs, made the UI less ugly (it's still not good though) and added a new map. I also added a linux version because why not, however it is untested (just as the mac version).